Product Description
Hollow natural buff-brown pottery standing male warrior priest wearing a headdress decorated with long side lappets, an applied band of stylized feather elements, and wide chin strap. Large twist type ear ornaments. Applied beaded necklace with a plaque type face pendant. Wearing upper arm and leg guards, bracelets on both wrists. Poncho has an incised vertical pattern. Sandals tied with a top knot. Veracruz, Mexico. Repaired from approximately twenty original pieces with resurfacing over the areas of breaklines. Old custom hard wood block base. Collection of Adina and Yitz Gordon, Englewood, NJ., acquired about 1975 from Nina Lewis.
Additional information
Circa | 600-900 A.D. |
Origin | Mexico |
Dimensions | 12 × 8 × 23.5 in |